A warm welcome to all of our Year 9 classmates, AAN teachers and parents. The purpose of this blog is to help us all increase our productivity in our workplace. We hope that you will be visiting our blog daily to checkout the Announcement posts and be updated on our school life, the Lesson Outline and Homework Assignment posts for more information on what we, the Year 9 AAN students, have been learning in the classroom.

We thank you for all your support in making this work!!!

The Project Team:
Agustin, Barbara, Christina, Ciaran,
Denis, Elena, Gabi, George, Martina, Maya,
Misho, Paschalis, Sofi, Tatiana, Yiannis, Zena.


MONDAY, 1-15 MARCH 2010
(The following lesson schedule is for March 1-15.

Session 9

Creating Validation Rules for FieldsThis session will focus on acquiring the basic skills in creating simple validation rules for number, text, data/ time and currency fields.

Student Name: _________________________________________ Class: _________________

Students should:
(i) Index a field with, without duplicates allowed
(ii) Understand consequences of changing field size attributes in a table
(iii) Create a simple validation rule for number, text, date/ time, currency
(iv) Change width of columns in a table
(v) Move a column within a table

1. Go to MyComputer>pkouppe on 'server01'>Databases and copy the database Santa’s Sponsors database on your personal account.

2. Rename the database from Santa’s Sponsors to Session 9 Santa’s Sponsors (Creating Validation Rules).

3. Open the database Session 9 Santa’s Sponsors (Creating Validation Rules) from your personal account.

4. Open the Sponsor Table in design view and change the Index Field CompanyID to accept duplicates. What other modification do you need to make for this change to be applied and why? (objective i).




5. In the Sponsor Table try to change the size of the field CompanyName from 35 characters to 40 characters. Save the table and go to datasheet view and try to enter a name for a company that is longer than 35 characters (i.e. Alehandro Miguel Cortez Rodriguez and Sons). Write whether this name is accepted or not (objective ii):


6. In the Sponsor Table try to change the size of the field ContactPerson from 25 characters to 10 characters. Try to save the table. Write what happens when you try to change the field length of a field to something smaller than the existing field size (objective ii):




7. Apply an appropriate validation rule for the PostalCode field in the Sponsor Table so as to allow us to enter postal codes that are only 4-digit long (i.e. 4533). Write a suitable validation text to be shown when we attempt to enter a postal code smaller or longer than 4 digits (i.e. 74747) (objective iii).

8. Apply an appropriate validation rule for the Date field in the Sponsorship Table so as to allow us to enter dates between the 1st of January of 2003 and the 31st of December 2007. Write a suitable validation text to be shown when we attempt to enter a date outside this range (i.e. 4/12/1008) (objective iii).

9. Apply an appropriate validation rule for the Price field in the Sponsorship Table so as to allow us to enter prices that are nor longer than 3-digit amounts. Write a suitable validation text to be shown when we attempt to enter a date outside this range (i.e. £1,900) (objective iii).

10. Change the widths of all the columns in the Sponsor Table so as to show all the data in them entirely (objective iv).

11. In the Sponsor Table move the column Fax after the column Mobile (objective v).


Session 10
Creating & Applying Rules to RelationshipsThis session will focus on acquiring the basic skills in creating one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between tables and applying rules to relationships.

Student Name: _________________________________________ Class: _________________

Students should:
(i) Create a one-to-one relationship, -to-many relationships
(ii) Delete relationships between tables
(iii) Apply rule(s) to relationships such that fields that join tables are not deleted as long as links to another table exist

1. Create a new database and save it as Payroll System.

2. Create a table as shown in Exhibit 1 and save it as Employees Table.

3. Create the table as shown in Exhibit 2 and save it as Salaries Table.

4. Create a one-to-one relationship between the tables as shown in Exhibit 3. Apply an appropriate rule to the relationship that will ensure that fields that join the tables are not deleted as long as links to another table exist (objectives i, iii).

5. Open the table Employees Table in datasheet view and enter the two records as shown in Exhibit 4.

6. Open the table Salaries Table in datasheet view and enter a record as shown in Exhibit 5.

7. Try to enter another record in the Salaries Table as shown in Exhibit 6. What happens when you attempt to enter a record in the Salaries Table without inserting the related EmployeeID in the Salaries Table (objective iii):




(Due to problems downloading the tables for this session please check your student book for the remainder of the exercise)


Session 11

Preparing Outputs This session will focus on acquiring the basic skills in preparing tables, forms and reports for printing.

Student Name: _________________________________________ Class: _________________

Students should:
(i) Add, modify text in Headers, Footers in a form
(ii) Preview a table, form, report
(iii) Change report orientation: portrait, landscape
(iv) Change paper size
(v) Print a page, selected record (s), complete table
(vi) Print all records using form layout, specific pages using form layout
(vii) Print the result of a query
(viii) Print specific page (s) in a report, complete report

1. Go to MyComputer>pkouppe on 'server01'>Databases and copy the database Artist Client Management System (Session 11) database on your personal account.

2. Print Preview the Clients Table and see how you can make adjustments to fit all the details in one page (objective ii).

3. Open the Clients’ Details Form in design view and replace the name Nicole Jason found on the form header with your full name (objective i).

4. Add your Class as a footer in the form (objective i).

5. Print preview the Clients’ Details Form and make adjustments to fit the details of a single form in one page (objective ii).

6. Print ONLY the first record in the database with the name Lagidze Joseph using form layout (objective vi).

7. Print preview the report Clients All Details Report and make adjustments to fit the details of the report in a single page (objectives ii, iii, iv).

8. Type in your full name as a header in the Clients All Details Report and print a draft color copy of it using the Deskjet Printer (objectives i, viii).

9. Open the query Painting Request for 2007 and type in your Last Name and First Name at the end of the query. Print the query using the Laser Printer (objective vii).
