A warm welcome to all of our Year 9 classmates, AAN teachers and parents. The purpose of this blog is to help us all increase our productivity in our workplace. We hope that you will be visiting our blog daily to checkout the Announcement posts and be updated on our school life, the Lesson Outline and Homework Assignment posts for more information on what we, the Year 9 AAN students, have been learning in the classroom.

We thank you for all your support in making this work!!!

The Project Team:
Agustin, Barbara, Christina, Ciaran,
Denis, Elena, Gabi, George, Martina, Maya,
Misho, Paschalis, Sofi, Tatiana, Yiannis, Zena.


Tuesday 23,March 2010
Year 9(Mrs.Anthi)
Lesson outline:Revision for the test on Lord of the flies.
Test:Wednesday 24,March-Chapters 4-8.
Monday 22,March 2010
Year 9(Mrs.Anthi)
Lesson outline:We did a small quiz on Hamlet and we performed some of our plays.
Work from literature book “Lord of the Flies” Work on Chapter 8
MS Anthi K
Lesson 1:
Read chapter 8 write a short summary and answer the following questions:

Chapter 8:

Ralph and Jack report back to the others
Jack challenges Ralph for the leadership, but loses the vote and leaves
Simon thinks they should climb the mountain and goes off by himself
They notice lots of hunters have gone to Jack
Piggy suggests building the fire near the platform
Jack appoints himself chief
They kill a sow and leave the head on a stick as a sacrifice to the beast
Simon sees the killing and the pig’s head

Ralph and Piggy talk about the breakup of their society

Jack and his tribe steal sticks from the others fire and invite them to a feast


1. Which of Jack’s criticisms do you think are valid?

2. Do you blame those who choose Jack instead of Ralph?

3. Is Jack to blame for everything that goes wrong, or are there events that are not directly his fault?

4. Why do the boys follow Jack obediently?

5. Would it be easier for Simon to join the others and believe in the beast?

Lesson 2:

Find the words that are missing from the following exercise and complete it.

Setting the scene

The story begins as a ______ evacuating children from a war zone crashes on a

remote ______ in the tropics. The only survivors are a group of boys. There is

______, ______, the members of a choir school led by ______, and an assortment of

others of different ages. They are brought together when Ralph and Piggy find a

______ and Ralph blows it. They elect Ralph to be ______ of the group and he lets

Jack be in charge of the ______. Jack decides his choir will be hunters. Ralph, Jack

and Simon (one of the choir) explore the island and find that it is uninhabited.

Getting organized

The boys have regular meetings. Whoever holds the ______ has the right to

______. Some of the little boys talk about being afraid of a ______ they think they

see at night. They agree to build shelters to sleep in and to keep a ______ burning on

the mountain to give a smoke signal. Jack says his hunters will be responsible for

keeping the fire going. They realize one of the small boys is missing, probably dead.

Ralph and a few others build shelters while Jack and his group hunt. They let

the fire go out. A ______ passes but there is no smoke. When the hunters return with

the ______ they have killed there is a bitter argument between the two groups. Jack’s

group acts out the killing as a ritual ______. This becomes a part of the hunt.

Things go wrong

Most of the boys begin to behave irresponsibly and ______ refuses to ______

the rules. They talk about “the beast” and being afraid. A ______ dies parachuting

onto the mountain. The boys think this figure is the beast and are terrified. Jack

breaks away from Ralph and forms his own group, which becomes a tribe of savages.

they kill a pig and leave its ______ as an offering for the beast.

Lord of the Flies chapter 9

Discussion and analysis of characters (Simon)
Homework Assignments: Read chapter 10

 Lord of the Flies chapter 10
Jack’s absolute rule: changes on the island
Homework Assignment: Discuss the importance of the feast in chapter 9

Key Literary Element


The extended metaphor begins almost immediately.(I,TooMarch 10th )whom is the speaker being compared? Answer in your notebook
What group of people do you think the author is writing about in this poem?
Explain who you think the intended audience of this poem is. Why?
State what you believe to be the author’s purpose in the poem, “I, Too.”
How might the author’s purpose have been influenced by the time and place in which he wrote the poem—1920s America?
Analyze the metaphors from the selection.
The metaphor What it means “the darker brother” African Americans

“They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,”
African Americans are denied the same rights
as white Americans.
“But I laugh
And eat well,
And grow strong”
I’ll be at the table
When company comes.”
“I, too, am America.”

Analyze why the author chose the metaphors of eating in the kitchen and eating at the table to describe racial prejudice. In your notebook.
Working on performing different parts from actsAND THE 2 QUESTIONS FROM LAST WEEK

Homework Assignments: Read chapter 9 Lord of the Flies

ENGLISH (with Mrs Maria D)
Before You Read, I, TOO
As you read, you might find words that you want to know more about. .............................

They might be ones you really like or ones that you don’t understand. You can add them to Words in your notebook

Key Reading Skill: Identifying Author’s Purpose

Key Literary Element: Metaphor


Imagine that you are in a group whose members are treated as less valuable than others, simply because you
all have extra long arms. How would it make you feel? Explain in your notebook.

Word Power

Scan the selection “I, Too” to identify three words that are unfamiliar to you. Copy the sentence in which you found the word, look up each word, write the definition below, and then use the word in a sebtebce,.


Sentence in which I found it:
Defi nition:

Sentence in which I found it:

by Langston Hughes
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I’ll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody’ll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”
They’ll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed—
I, too, am America.

In your notebook what do you think Hughes wants his readers to understand?


Hamlet (Group work)

Skill Review:
Identifying Main Idea and Supporting Details


Write the main idea of “I Chose Schooling” in your notebook write specific details you found that support
the main idea.

Main Idea:
Detail 1: The author chooses to sit on the “studious” side of her homeroom class.
Detail 2:
Detail 3:

Explain how the author uses events in the story to help you understand the main idea of “I Chose Schooling.”

Skill Review: Cultural Reference
Recall three cultural references that you found in the selection. Write them in your notebook.

Why it is important:

Write a paragraph, in your notebook about the reference to her parents’ accent “oreo” Explain how the cultural references in this story helped you to better understand “I Chose Schooling.”

Memorize Hamlet lines
Read chapter 9 "Lord of the Flies"

Lesson Outline
Group work in the classroom
Worked on our play

ENGLISH (Ms Katerina P)
Check Lesson Outline for Monday below and do homework as assigned there

ENGLISH (Ms Anthi K)

ENGLISH (Mrs DiGirolamo)


Key Literary Element

Cultural Reference

The word oreo is a cultural reference in two ways. Capitalized, it’s the brand name of a cookie. How is the word used here?

Key Literary Element

Cultural Reference

How does this girl provide a cultural reference?
At that moment, I strongly regretted running down the halls like some geek. I strongly regretted not saying something to them. I strongly regretted having the intense desire to go to my math class and do well in school. It was as if the girls were saying, “Who do she think she is, huh? A black girl trying to be white. An oreo, black on the outside, but white on the inside.

Do she think she betta than us? She betta not, ‘cause she ain’t. School ain’t that important for her to be running like that to some class. Some black girls don’t know their race. Education ain’t all that important. I’d rather clown wit my homies than run to class actin’ like I’m white tryin’ ta git an education.”

“Who she think she is anyway, huh?” I was furious. What exactly did she mean by that! I was only trying to get to class. Excuse me if school means a little more to me than “hangin’ out wit da homies.” I couldn’t believe I gave those girls so much power that they were able to ruin my day. The next day, I went to homeroom. I mentioned the story to Meg, the girl with the spiky, blue hair.

Meg said, “Forget them. School is more important than trying to fit into some popular clique. Look at me. I have blue hair. I try not to fit into groups who don’t accept me for me. School is much more important. Don’t waste your energy on ignorant people.”

Right as she said that, everything was clear. I didn’t have to waste my energy on them. I chose schooling over socializing. I chose to study for tests instead of “gossiping over someone’s baby’s mamma.” I selected education over ignorance. I thought to myself, Maybe I am not “ghetto” and maybe I do choose to speak properly. I am not any less black; I am just being me. I preferred work over play, homework instead of fitting into a crowd where I don’t belong. I chose schooling.

When looking back at the experience I had with those girls, I thank God every day. That particular experience reaffi rmed4 my goal, which was to attain a sound education. I thank God for giving me the initiative to select the right path, despite all odds.

How do you feel about what happened to Nwaiwu ? Write in your notebook

How did Nwaiwu’s experience supported and strengthened (reaf rmed) her goal.

Lesson Outline
Lord of the Flies chapter 8: Symbols (pig’s head, headmaster, meat)

No homework for today

ENGLISH - Mrs. DiGirolamo


Interactive Reading
Key Reading Skill

As you read, you might find words that you want to know more about. Write them in your notebook.

Identifying Main Idea Again, Nwaiwu states the idea of the paragraph directly. What is that idea, and how does she support it?

Right at that moment, my blond, skinny homeroom teacher, Ms. Larsen, shouted, “Welcome to high school!” She went on, saying, “These next four years will be monumental. These four years will define our character; you will either choose that path of excelling in school or you will decide that socializing with friends is more important. You have two paths to choose from. Today is the first day of school, choose your path wisely.” That statement remained with me for the whole day. I kept thinking to myself, This is the beginning of my high school career, I must do well in school. I must pick the right path.

Attaining a sound education has been my goal since before I could remember. Every day from the time I was in kindergarten to the present, my parents have always said, in their thick Nigerian accents, “Read hard so that you may be successful.” (To my parents, “reading hard” is synonymous with studying  igorously.) I have always endeavored to excel in school and a large portion of my motivation is because of that overused quote. Whenever stress mounts, and I feel that I never want to do another
paper or another homework assignment, I always remember what my parents would tell me, “Read hard so that you may be successful.”

Schooling is crucial to me. I believe that the better one does in school, the more successful he or she becomes in the real world. I define a successful person as one who is happy, has a great family, and has a great-paying job. Over the course of the year, every student in my homeroom chose either to take school seriously or to slack off. In homeroom, cliques started to form. The slackers sat on one side of the room, while the studious, grade-conscious students sat on the other side.

Students on the slacker side of the room constantly yelled and were rowdy, while the students on the grade-conscious side of the room were busy trying to study or complete homework.
One day, I came into homeroom and sat in my designated spot: the studious, grade-conscious side of the room. The morning announcements were blaring while I frantically tried to complete my homework. I was completing my math problems when suddenly the bell rang, indicating that it was time for first hour. I ignored it and continued to finish the problems due that hour. Before I knew it, the second bell rang and I was late for math class. I quickly jammed my books in my bag and ran out of my fourth-floor homeroom. I ran down the hall and up the stairs to the fifth floor. When I got to the fi fth floor, I was blocked by a group of African American girls. The five rowdy girls stood in the entrance of the stairwell. I was so agitated. I wanted to push the girls out of my way so I could get to class. But instead, I maneuvered through the crowd.

As I was doing that, one of the girls loudly said, “Who do she think she is anyway, huh?” The group of girls roared with laughter. Another girl said, “Ya’ll leave her alone. She trying to get her an edgamacation.”

And with that, everyone laughed even more. I turned around and looked at them, but said nothing. I simply walked to my math class humiliated. When Nwaiwu maneuvered (muh NOO vurd) through the crowd, she changed directions several times to get where she wanted to be.

Answer the 8 questions you copied from the book during the lesson


Homework Assignment:
Answer the following questions on Lord of the Flies chapter 8.

(1) Why has William Golding named his novel Lord of the Flies? Do you think he has been successful in portraying the beast in his novel?

(2) Simon is communicating with the Lord of the Flies. The pig's head which speaks to him is the voice of a school master. What does the voice of the school master represent?


LESSON OUTLINE + Homework Assignment
Interactive Reading - Before You Read , I Chose Schooling

As you read, you might find words that you want to know more about. They might be ones you really like or ones that you don’t understand. You can add them to your notebook .

What You’ll Learn

Key Reading Skill: Identifying Main Idea and Supporting Details Key Literary Element: Cultural Reference

What will it be like on your first day of high school? Imagine how all the new routines and people might make you feel. Will they change you or will you be true to yourself?

Word Power

- prevailed (prih VAYLD) v. conquered; won; overcame; form of the
verb prevail
Example: The debate team prevailed in the competition.

- monumental (mon yuh MEN tul) adj. great and meaningful

- attaining (uh TAY ning) v. the act of achieving, accomplishing, or succeeding

- crucial (KROO shul) adj. extremely important

- agitated (AJ uh tay tud) adj. disturbed; upset

Read the selection “I Chose Schooling” and accompany a new student as she begins high school. Do you think she will resist peer pressure?

I Chose Schooling

by Jacqueling Nwaiwu

As I walked down the crowded halls of Central High on the first day of school, I was overcome with many emotions. I was physically tired because I was not accustomed to waking up so early, and I was also scared and nervous. It was my freshman year, and above all other emotions, nervousness prevailed. I was trembling; my hands were clammy and sweaty. Students were greeting each other. There were clusters of students by lockers chatting away, catching up on all the summer gossip. I continued to walk
through the halls observing the madness. Kids were running through the halls playing tag and ramming into each other. Bewildered, I muttered, “So this is high school. It looks more like the circus. So much for thinking that high school is exactly like the preppy, well-mannered students in the weekly TV show Saved by the Bell.1”

I managed to find my homeroom after walking around for fifteen minutes. When I went in, I noticed that over half of the students in my homeroom were students who attended the same junior high as me. I was annoyed with that fact because I wanted to meet new people and make new friends instead of interacting with the same old students from junior high. And with that, I quickly sat down next to a girl with spiky, blue hair, whom I did not know.

IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Key Reading Skill
Identifying Main Idea
The main idea of this paragraph is directly stated. Nwaiwu says
she is scared and nervous on her first day of school. Write a supporting detail that shows how she felt.

Homework Assignment
Write a summary in your notebook of what you have read so far

ENGLISH (extended group) AK

Homework Assignment
Lord of the Flies chapter 8
Due March 3rd


ENGLISH (extended group) AK
Lord of the Flies chapter 7
•discussion of themes (Savagery/ Environment/Crowd Mentality)

Homework Assingment:
Read ‘Lord of the Flies’ ch.8 as much as you can for tomorrow

Work from GLENCOE BOOK 3: Unit 6, pg 952-955
Persuasive essay: prewriting and drafting

Lesson 1:
using persuasive techniques; establishing a writing plan Your first step is to come up with a good topic. For this assignment you need to think of an issue that has two sides. Pick something that matters to you. The stronger your opinions, the easier it will be to write about them.

Gathering ideas
To come up with a good topic, ask yourself these questions:
What do I strongly believe in? What do I think it is worth standing up for?
What are some issues, ideas, or people that matter to me?
What stories in the news have made me want to take a stand?
What changes would I like to see made in my neighbourhood or community?

Homework Assignment:

Gather in formation for your essay and answer the above questions.

Lesson 2:

Objective: using persuasive techniques; establishing a writing plan

Once you have a topic in mind, write a position statement to be your main idea, or thesis. For your statement, write your opinion simply and clearly. For example, if you believe in protecting the environment, your position statement might be “I believe we must take steps to protect the environment.” Then come up with a list of reasons why.

Homework Assignment: Complete writing your position statement and write out why you feel this is important to you. Complete your list of reasons too.